12 Beautiful Webflow E-commerce Websites For Inspiration

12 Beautiful Webflow E-commerce Websites For Inspiration

If you’re considering building an e-commerce store with Webflow, then here is a collection of 12 beautiful Webflow e-commerce websites which will hopefully inspire you.

With easy drag and drop, you get all the functionality from Webflow while having the e-commerce add-on on your website.

But before you jump head-first into building your e-commerce website, I’ve collected my favourite 12 e-commerce websites made in Webflow.

Let’s get into it.

12 E-commerce Websites Made In Webflow

I’ve collected everything from simple Webflow e-commerce websites with responsive design to more advanced websites selling digital products and using animation and images you’ve never seen before to attract potential customers.

I’ve ensured all websites have a shopping cart, and you’ll notice the user experience with both the cart and the overall feel of the Webflow e-commerce website varies a lot.

All these websites have been through search engine optimization and can easily be used for inspiration as ECommerce website designs.

There are some exciting Webflow e-commerce websites.

So without further ado, let’s get into it.

1. Egglife Foods: Next-Level Slider Animation

1 Egglife Foods Next Level Slider Animation

This is just my favourite Webflow website. I also mentioned it in my overview of the 15 most beautiful Webflow websites.

I’ve never seen a Webflow ECommerce website utilise animations as they do.

On the front page, they have a slider you’ve never seen with just the right amount of white space, creating the best customer experiences you’ll see.

I didn’t like their scrolling and wouldn’t adopt that if their website inspires you.

But the bright colours and how they display their products are just so beautiful.

2. Athletics: Using Beautiful Images As An Important Part

2. Athletics Using Beautiful Images As An Important Part

This is a classic Webflow ECommerce website, but they’ve just executed it so well with their images.

It’s a slider you see in the image, just like the previous design, but here, it’s more traditional with arrows, and the visitor controls the slider.

This design is perfect for you if you have beautiful large images. I personally really like how simple it is to display the products.

On the single product page, you have it split in 2, with images on the left and relevant information on the right.

And the theme continues through the entire checkout process as well. The checkout experience was great based on my testing.

3. Goodroot: Following The Theme From Start To Finish

3. Goodroot Following The Theme From Start To Finish

This e-commerce solution is awesome because they’re following the theme from start to end; in this example, it’s a pizza theme.

So the entire design feels goofy, but it plays so well together from when you choose your pizza until the checkout experience.

Here you need images to make it work, but they don’t need to be high quality like the previous theme.

And then I like the subtle animations in the user interface, with the hand turning to hold the pizza. It’s a nice little touch that brings the Webflow ECommerce site alive.

4. MDLR Shop: Simple Clothing Webshop

MDLR Shop Simple Clothing Webshop

MDLR caught my eye because of its simplicity. It’s so general that it’s unique in its own way at the same time.

It’s perfect for smaller e-commerce websites with a narrow product selection highlighting important products.

I love the transitions between pages, making the website feel super smooth.

And the fact it’s so simple to use is a huge benefit for conversion optimisation.

There are no confusing elements on the website that prevent a potential buyer from processing their purchase.

5. Cartier: A Concept For A Watch Website

5. Cartier A Concept For A Watch Website

This e-commerce template is an experiment of making a website for Cartier, and I feel they succeeded very well.

It’s crucial to showcase exclusivity with a Webflow ECommerce website like this, and they do that well with beautiful images, white space and simplicity.

Their hero image supports the product as well in their slider.

There are some minor things, such as the text overlapping the image when the slider changes, but other than that, this is a great theme to be inspired by if you’re creating an online presence for an exclusive brand.

6. WeAreFeature: A Beautiful ECommerce Website For Space Posters

6. WeAreFeature A Beautiful ECommerce Website For Space Posters

I’ve been so excited to share this Webflow ECommerce website, I think it’s so beautifully done, and they’ve managed to keep the style throughout the entire website.

As soon as you start scrolling, you get a feel for the website, and I love the font they’re using. It shows how vital your font is to create a unique website.

They don’t use animations or any other advanced features. They keep it simple, with tiny interactions here and there.

Their product page works very well, where the right side containing information stays sticky once you scroll, and the images scroll works very well.

7. GOClass: Perfect For Digital Products

7. GOClass Perfect For Digital Products

When I first saw this, I was a bit in doubt if it was an e-commerce website, but it is, and it’s just magnificent.

This is so great for inspiration if you’re selling digital products and you want to pack it in a responsive website that works on all screen sizes while it just looks beautiful

Their action buttons are subtle but work so well. And I’m never in doubt of where to click to move on.

Their font shows how important it is to use a unique font to create a unique experience for your website visitors.

A nice little addon is how they add images into their text in the “Learn with your peers” section.

8. Mass.: A Beautiful Product Slider For Clothing

8. Mass. A Beautiful Product Slider For Clothing

First up, I want to mention the slider. What a cool feature. They show an image on the left, which looks super casual, but then on the right, they show a widget where you can shop the outfit.

This is creative freedom, and it’s executed to perfection.

The menu slides in from left to right, showcasing modern design. Even though it’s part of the simple e-commerce website designs, 

the tiny tweaks make it such a modern design. I’m very impressed.

If you’re selling clothing, this is the template to be inspired by. You don’t need to take everything, but the slider and how they mix content with products are unique.

9. Desktronic: Beautiful Way If You’re Selling A Single Product

9. Desktronic Beautiful Way If Youre Selling A Single Product

If you’re a one-trick pony and only sell one product, then this is the design you need to get inspired by. Their visual canvas in their hero section, showing a video of the product and a call-to-action, is just perfection.

They’re using so many design elements you can adapt as well. Closeups of the products, with call-to-actions that stand out, but at the same time, they’re using minimal designs.

On the product page, you have custom fields to choose colours, sizes and much more. They’re also awesomely showing their custom delivery options.

Just be aware of getting this to work. You need high-quality images and videos, but go the extra mile and get it done. It’ll increase your conversion rate significantly.

10. Growtech: Perfect For Selling A Technical Product

10. Growtech Perfect For Selling A Technical Product

This design is perfect for selling advanced products or tech products requiring much explanation.

In the design, they do a great job of visually explaining their products, and it’s clear to see they had complete design freedom when they made this design, and I love it.

When you scroll down, you see subtle animations, and then you can interact with the products to further understand them.

While scrolling, the product unfolds more and more. It’s super impressive and an experience just browsing the website. You should do it and see if you can use some of the design elements on your website.

11. Skinlabs: A Different Take On A Skincare Website

11. Skinlabs A Different Take On A Skincare Website

Here we have a completely different design than the previous skincare website, where images don’t play a big role.

They have 2 beautiful images in the hero section, but other than that, they only use product images, and it works very well because it creates a much bigger focus on the products and not anything else.

The brief explanations of the products work very well. And so do the subtle animations once you hover over the images of the products.

The last interesting feature is the filter. It becomes sticky once you start scrolling, and it works very well. You can filter wherever you are on the page, and I think every e-commerce website with a few filters should adopt this.

12. TN CIDER: A Super Simple Website Information Packed

12. TN Ciders A Super Simple Website Information Packed

I wanted to end with a simple website, and I found TN CIDER here. Who sells, yes, you guessed it, apple cider, hard cider and much more.

This is not a masterpiece of a design, but I’m sure they have a high conversion rate because of their simplicity.

They’re trying to pack as much information as possible into as little space as possible but still keep it simple.

You easily get an overview of the products and always have access to your cart on the right side.

It’s a simple e-commerce website selling physical products where you can take some elements and get inspired. These physical products are cider and wine, so I feel the theme fits very well.


That’s it: 12 beautiful Webflow e-commerce examples where you get everything from super-advanced animations explaining the products to simpler websites with a more modular design.

Mass is my favourite design if you’re running a clothing webshop. If you’re selling digital products, then GOClass is my favourite.

Overall, each e-commerce design has its strengths. You can easily look through them all, pick elements you like and build them on your e-commerce website.

If you want to see some general Webflow websites, see the 15 most beautiful here.

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