If you want to leave Webflow to go to another no-code platform or just want the raw HTML/CSS code out of Webflow, then this is how you do it. If you’re on a paid plan, it’s much easier than the free plan, but I have solutions for both cases.
To export your Webflow website on a paid plan, simply open up the designer and click on the code icon in the top right corner. Click the prepare zip button, and your website code will be downloaded. If you’re on a free plan, then you have to save the source code.
Saving the source code takes a bit more work, but it’s possible, and I’ll show you how you do it and guide you through it.
How To Export Your Webflow Website On A Paid Plan
Before we dive into how to export your Webflow website on the free plan, I’ll elaborate on how to do it on the paid plan.
This is by far the easiest way to export your Webflow website, and if you have the funds, I would recommend you upgrade your account for one month to the cheapest plan and export your Webflow website.
When you’re signed into your Webflow account, open up the Webflow project in the designer which you want to export, and then click on the Export code icon in the top right corner.
![How To Export Your Webflow Website [Free + Paid] webflow designer export code](https://webonlabs.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/webflow-designer-export-code-1024x556.jpg)
After clicking here, you’ll see a popup where you simply need to click on prepare ZIP, and then your Webflow website will be downloaded to your computer.
This is in pure HTML/CSS/JS, so if you want to change to something like WordPress, you would have to reprogram it or get a WordPress developer to do it.
If you want to change to another no-code platform, you might be lucky they have an import HTML function where you can simply import your entire Webflow website.
How To Export Your Webflow Website On A Free Plan
All right, if you’re on a free plan and you follow the same steps as above, you’ll only get a preview and an upgrade button in order to export your Webflow website.
![How To Export Your Webflow Website [Free + Paid] upgrade webflow to export html](https://webonlabs.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/upgrade-webflow-to-export-html-999x1024.jpg)
But don’t worry, there is another solution, though it requires some extra effort.
You’ll have to publish your Webflow website, if it’s not already published, and then open up a browser like Google Chrome and go to your website.
Now there are 2 ways. You can right-click anywhere on the website, click save as, and then save it on your computer. Or you can right-click and click on View Page Source, then mark everything and save it into an empty file you name something like index.html.
Now you have the raw HTML, and if you open this file in a browser, it will look broken entirely because you need the CSS and JavaScript as well.
The easiest way is to search for “.css” and “.js” in your HTML file, then paste those URLs into your browser and save those files one by one. In the end, you’ll have all files and your entire website exported for free.
The easiest way is to spend $19 and upgrade your Webflow project for one month to export your project. You can even try to apply for a student discount if you’re a student and get Webflow premium for free.
If you don’t want to spend the $19 and have the time to export your Webflow website manually, then this can also be done with the steps mentioned above. Remember to repeat them for each page you wish to export.
You might have to save your images as well with your CSS and JS files. For these, you can simply just right-click on them and save them on your computer in the folder with your other files.
In the end, depending on what you need the files for, you’ll have to change the URLs in your HTML file to point at the new location of the images, CSS files and JS files.
Can you export code from Webflow for free?
Yes, you can, but it requires you to save the source code. It’s not possible to do in the editor. Go to your Webflow website, open the source code and save the source code as HTML. Remember to save the CSS and Javascript files separately as well. Links to these files are in the HTML file.
Does Webflow give you the HTML code?
Yes, if you’re on a paid plan, then you get all the HTML, CSS and JS code. You just need to open the designer on the website you wish to export the HTML from, click on the code icon in the top right corner and click prepare ZIP.
How do I export content from Webflow?
Open up the designer on the Webflow project where the content is located on. Click on collections and then click on the collection you wish to export. Then simply click export. Repeat this for every collection you wish to export content from.